When Mother is feeling stressed, then Little just crying continuously. Don't stress out. Chances are the baby is not fussy, but "contracting" the stress that Mother is feeling.
Actually this starts from the baby in the womb. Little can feel when you experience stress during pregnancy. There are various effects of this. Starting from increasing the risk of preterm labor, low birth weight to the temperament and IQ level of the baby after birth.
Babies Learn to Recognize Emotions from the Environment
After birth, babies will begin to learn to recognize the emotions of those around them, especially Mother and Father. In a study, it was found that the stress that Mother felt could affect your child. For example, he can feel sad if he sees his parents sad or in a bad mood. At the age of several months, babies can even distinguish sad and happy expressions. This is the reason the baby will be more interested if Mother invites him to speak with full expression. Conversely, if you show an expressionless face, your baby may try to make you smile. In addition, babies can also feel if there are people who smile at them not sincere or made up. Entering the age of 1 year, in addition to recognizing what other people are feeling, he can even feel cared about the expressions of others. Although still small, he can pay attention to how you are happy to greet your best friend, or when you seem happy to pet your favorite cat at home.Come on, Start Managing Stress Well
In order for your child not to experience the stress that you feel, you need to be very clever in managing your response to situations that are not working properly. Let's try, do the things below:Understand the causes of stress
What are the situations that make you feel depressed? Is it related to the workplace, family, finance, or something else. By recognizing the cause, Mother can try to find a way out and how to reduce stress.
Know how to relieve stress
Instead of relieving stress by eating less healthy food, you can try healthier ways such as talking and exchanging ideas with friends or light exercise.
While maintaining health
To be able to continue to care for your baby, you must first take care of your own health. Enough time to rest, eat healthy, and drink enough.
Spend "me time"
Spending me time after having children does not mean selfish, you know, Bun. Precisely after taking time for yourself, Mother will have a new spirit to look after the Little One.
Accept other people's help
Stress usually starts from being overwhelmed doing too many things at once. From now on try to delegate some work such as washing clothes and cleaning the house to others.
Spend quality time with family
Instead of focusing on things that are not going well, it is better to strengthen the relationship between family members and spending time together.
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